Leech Therapy helps aid in the relief of various cardiovascular diseases, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and thrombophlebitis caused by varicose veins.
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Leech Therapy help to treat periodontis, gingivitis, and other inflammatory processes found in the oral cavity.
Leech Therapy has been found useful in the treatment of numerous gynecological diseases, including adenomyosis, menstrual irregularities, and some forms of infertility.
Anti-inflammatory agents found in the saliva of leeches reduces pain and pressure affecting those suffering from migraines and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
Hirudotherapy – the formal name for leech therapy – is making a comeback in the United States as an increasing number of people are looking for drug-free solutions for their health conditions. Leech therapy has been used to successfully treat thrombosis, cramped veins, heart disease, tinnitus, bruises, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, muscle complications, and numerous other conditions.
The therapeutic activity of the leech is not based on a single mechanism of action, but on a combination of multiple effects. The leech’s saliva is truly extraordinary, containing a number of chemical compounds useful in medicine. These include a local anesthetic that the leech uses to avoid detection by the host, an anti-coagulant, hirudin, that can help prevent heart attacks and strokes, a vasodilator and a prostaglandin that help reduce swelling. The leech’s gut harbors a bacterium known as Aeromonan hydrophila. This bacterium aids in the digestion of ingested blood and produces an antibiotic that kills other bacteria that may cause putrefaction. The medical term for such a cornucopia of effects is called a “multifactorial mechanism.”
Learn MorePavel Gershkovich. Your Professional Medicinal Leech Therapist.
Even though human medical capabilities have evolved to the point that sci-fi mainstays such as robots and lasers are commonplace in operating rooms, many of medicine’s most important breakthroughs still come from nature. Arizona Leech Therapy is here to help you find a natural, drug free solution for your medical conditions.
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